Art365/60: Atash Khan and his Sultan

Marching into March in style, much like Ibrahim Adil Shah II of Bijapur (r. 1580-1627). Known for his patronage of art and culture, Ibrahim Adil Shah II's love for his elephant, Atash Khan, is also legendary. In this vibrant picture, the ruler is riding his favourite elephant, while being surrounded (and waited on) but several others. Atash Khan is the largest and most handsome, with his magnificent tusks embellished with large gold ornaments, especially dangling pearl earrings. The accompanying elephants are equally well-dressed, with jewels, elaborate saddles, and assorted accouterments. The elephants are all beautifully rendered, with a soft brush and dual-toned colour. Each elephant has a distinctive face and features, and the attention paid to details is rather phenomenal.

Of course, the Sultan and his party are all beautifully dressed, with the ruler significantly larger in scale than his staff and attendants.

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