Art365/17: Dasavatara #4 Narasimha

I last saw this sculpture over a decade ago but it remains etched in my mind- and is the first image that comes to mind when I think of the half-man-half-lion hence, Narsimha.

The dynamic quality of this sculpture is breathtaking. While a significant portion of it has been destroyed, the grace, the strength and the struggle of destruction is apparent. Narsimha’s leg straddling Hiranyakashapu’s body, the curve of his spine; the combat is more dance than an act of violent retributive, ending in annihilation.

The story of the fifth is a popular tale, and one that highlights the importance of thresholds and transitioning hours. As I type this, the sun is setting, it is neither day, nor night: dusk- the perfect time to contemplate this dynamic sculpture.

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